Day 2 Difficulties

Yesterday was a little rough.  One of those days where I bounce from thing to thing with only a few minutes in between.  I don’t do well on days like that.  I wind up feeling overwhelmed, scatter-brained, and crabby.  My kids will tell you all about it.

So that was yesterday.  Today’s schedule is more of the same.  Plus, I have weekend guests arriving this evening.  But, I’m focusing on the positive things I did and am doing rather than what I’m going to or should do.

Yesterday I took my vitamins.  I know – it seems really simple and like a tiny, tiny step but that’s where I’m at folks.  I was early to the meeting with my new boss.  I’m often late so that was an improvement.  The meeting didn’t go very well (in my opinion) but I’m trying really hard not to pick it apart in my head.  I got a project off my personal desk at home so that’s something accomplished.  I planned food for this weekend and went to the grocery store.  I do better with a plan when it comes to things like cooking.

Today I’m trying hard to work on  my negative thinking.  For example, on my way home from work, I saw a woman pushing a stroller down the sidewalk.  My first thought was, “Those are ugly mom shorts she has on.”  I caught that and changed it to “That’s nice that she’s out on a walk.”  I mean, really, who am I to judge some stranger’s shorts??  Geez.  That’s terrible.  I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m that negative and judgmental.  But I am.  Admitting it and being aware is the first step to doing something different, right?

I took my vitamins again this morning.  Oh!  Yesterday I ate some cherries instead of soothing myself with ice cream.  I’m having cherries again now.  I like cherries.  They’re kind of expensive but I buy them because they’re a healthy snack I like.

I’m sitting here writing a post instead of manically cleaning my house because I have guests coming.  Writing is good for me.  And, realistically, my house is always pretty picked up and clean.  I don’t think our friends will mind a bit of dog hair on my floors (o.k.., on my couch too).  I made the effort today to dress better and put on jewelry rather than just resorting to jeans and a t-shirt.  I feel better when I dress better.  I even hired a personal stylist / shopper awhile ago.  So I have all these fabulous clothes but often I don’t make the effort to put them on.  That’s silly.

O.k., so now I feel like I’ve taken a few minutes out of my busy day for me.  And I’m feeling pretty good about that.  Now . . . off to driving kids here and there for the rest of the day.

Author: StoriLines

California girl, attorney, mom, wife. Things I love (in no particular order): the beach, rain, my kids, all my pets, reading, traveling, coffee!

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